Photo Shoot - Double Agents

There are many classifications (in terms of functions or roles) among the Transformers throughout the lore, i.e. seekers, medic, engineers, communications etc. Spies have played quite an important role throughout the Transformers history. There are quite a number of example of spies actually, i.e. G1 Soundwave, G1 Laserbeak, G1 Ravage, G1 Mirage, Beast Wars Rattrap, just to name after few.
However, there is another sub-group of spies, that intrigues me more, which is the topic of discussion today. They are called Double Agents. What makes these group very unique, is that they have the ability to infiltrate the other camp, by pretending to be a part of the opposing side, to disrupt their enemies from within. Most of these double agents, can technically also be called Triple Changers, as most of them tend to have 3 modes. The difference here, however, is that most of them tend to have more than 1 robot mode, unlike your typical Triple Changers, who have multiple alternate modes instead.
Punch-Counterpunch [Power of the Primes]
Arguably, the most well known if these is none other than Punch-Counterpunch -- the robot that started the trend. He is an Autobot, who also has another Decepticon robot mode, that he uses to infiltrate the their ranks from within. However, one of his main weakness is his mental instability, due to his years working as a double agent, and fearing that his cover might be blown. 
Doubledealer a.k.a Clouder [Masterforce]
In the Masterforce line we were introduced to Clouder, or Doubledealer. Here, his roles is reversed from that of Punch-Counterpunch -- he is a Decepticon infiltrating the Autobots ranks.

In the Armada line, we were introduced to Sideways. His role was similar to that of Doubledealer. He is kind of unique, in the sense that he has 1 robot mode, but with 2 different Minicons that transforms into different helmets for different factions.
Noisemaze (Galaxy Force)
In the subsequent Cybertron/ Galaxy Force, we were introduced to Sideways (Cybertron)/ Noisemaze (Galaxy Force). Unlike any of his predecessors, he doesn't have 2 robot modes. By default, he is aligned to the Autobots. But by activating his Cyber Planet Key/ Force Chip, his true allegiance is revealed, along with a more devastating weapon.
Shockwave/ Longarm Prime [Animated]
In the Animated series, the art of Double Agents was perfected by Longarm Prime/ Shockwave. Personally, action-figure-wise, I think it's the best among the predecessors. He has 2 wholly-different robot modes, as well as 2 different alternate modes. His characterization was done wonderfully too.
Double Agents are definitely one of my favorites. 
Autobot Mode
Decepticon Mode

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