Rangers Review: Legacy Megazord (Power Rangers 20)


            In 1993, something happened that would change TV forever. For the first time ever, most English-speaking world was introduced to the idea of a group of 5 teenage superheroes, wearing color-themed suits, and has a super-robot as the ultimate weapon of defense.
            No folks, I wasn’t talking about Voltron.
            I am talking about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR). While this idea was rather revolutionary in Europe and the Americas, it wasn’t an original idea. This idea was of course based on the Super Sentai idea, which originated in Japan since the 1970s. In fact, the MMPR series itself was adapted and took stock footage from the Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger – the 16th installment of the Super Sentai series.
           Anyways, it is sufficed to say that the MMPR series left a profound impact to those growing up in the 1990s.
             The original Super Sentai Series is most popular with its extravagant suits, as well as its myriad of super robots. Traditionally, Bandai seldom/ almost-to-never re-release any of the Super Sentai robots. The MMPR Megazord (or Daizyuzin in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, which means The Great Beast God) proved to be the exception.
            The same Megazord, along with the legendary Dragonzord was re-released earlier in 2010, again, to capitalize on the MMPR fan base instead of the Super Sentai fan base.
            Fast forward 4 years, the re-release of the Legacy Megazord marks a significant milestone – the 20th Anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise. It also marked for the first time, a Power Ranger Zord/ Super Sentai Super Robot was released 3 times.
            Being a kid growing up in the 1980s/ 1990s, I used to love MMPR and the Megazord/ Dragonzord, along with the Lion and Vehicle Voltrons, Saber Rider’s Ramrod and M.A.S.K., were some of robots/ action figures that I’ve always wanted, apart from the Transformers. But as usual, the price proved to be my downfall. Since it was a common practice that Zords would never be re-released, and the preposterous secondhand market price, I gave up ever owning a Megazord.
            Since I missed out on the 2010 re-release, the Legacy Megazord could prove to be the last chance that we’re ever gonna get to owning this robot.
            I’ve never owned a Power Ranger Zord/ Super Sentai Mecha before, save for a knockoff Change Robo from the Changeman series, so how befitting that the Legacy Magazord became the first Megazord in The Family.
            Without further ado, let’s proceed with the review.

Box and Packaging:
            The box clearly states that this is a Power Rangers 20 release, with vivid photos of the action figures in the front.
            There are also brief introductions of the original Power Rangers, as well as the Power Zords, with a teasing mention of the Dragonzord.  
            There is also an interesting Stats Card at the side of the box.
            Not exactly the best packaging out there, but definitely not the worse.
            Oh, one more thing, each Dinozords are packed individually, which is a common practice amongst the Super Sentai robots. It kinda feels like quite exquisite, if you get what I mean.

            Just in case if any of you, for some unknown reasons, still don’t know this yet, the Legacy Megazord is made up of 5 Dinozords. They are the Tyrannosaurs Dinozord, Pterodactyl Dinozord, Mastodon Dinozord, Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord and Triceratops Dinozord.
            Until this day, I still have no idea why the Mastodon and Sabertooth Tiger are actually mammals, which means… they are not dinosaurs… so why are they…?
            Anyways, technicalities aside, let’s go to their individual rundowns…


Mastodon Dinozord:
            The mighty Mastodon Dinozord, piloted by Zack Taylor – the Black Ranger. In the show, I always had the impression that the Mastodon was kinda big, but after seeing and holding this figure in my own hands – it is kinda smaller than I had imagined it. Still, it’s a solid figure.
            There are some stickers that are already pre-applied.
            I’m not quite sure about the original Megazord, but if I’m not mistaken, the originals used to have them made from die cast. Here however, they are made from bendable plastics. There are still some die-cast parts, namely the inner upper arms.
            Articulation-wise, it’s kinda sad really – only the hind legs could move, and even that is due to the transformation joints.
            It is probably the heftiest figure in the entire set, on par with the Tyrannosaurus.

Pterodactyl Dinozord:
            This is one of those modes, where you really need to use your imagination to the max.
            Piloted by Kimberley Ann Hart – the Pink Ranger, the Pterodactyl mode is probably one of the worst in the lineup. I mean, just look at him, it’s just too darn simple. It doesn’t real legs. The “legs” in the photos don’t count because they are actually guns attached to the wings.
            Articulation-wise: the upper neck moves up and down, while the lower neck moves in and out; the little wings can flap – if you can ever call it that; and that’s about it.
            The head piece is the only part on this zord that is made from die-cast.
            From the sides, she looks way too hollow for my liking. One of my least favorite zords in this lineup.

Triceratops Dinozord:
            The Triceratops Dinozord is piloted by Billy Cranston – the Blue Ranger.
            While officially, he is called a Triceratops, I would actually call it a Triceratops-themed tank, because that is exactly what it is. It doesn’t have any legs, just a head and tail to remind us of who it is.
            Instead of legs, it has tank threads.
            Articulation-wise, the head moves up and down, mainly due to transformation joint.
            As far as die cast parts go, the tail is the only die cast part on this figure.
            Along with the Pterodactyl, this is a close contender for the worse Zord in this lineup.

Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord:
            Piloted by the Trini Kwan – the Yellow Ranger, the Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord is actually one of the better ones`in this set.
            I am probably going to get mangled by some of you hardcore Power Rangers fans out there for saying this, but… dagnabit, this here pussycat sure reminds me of the Yellow Lion from Voltron.

See the resemblance between Sabertooth Tiger and Yellow Lion on the left?
            Anyways, compared to the previous three zords, its articulations made it look like it’s an SHFiguarts. Anyways, the legs could move, but mostly due to their transformation joints.
            The tail is the only body parts made from die casts. 

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord:
            In most cases, this would probably everyone’s favorite in this set. Piloted by Jason Lee Scott – the Red Ranger, the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord is undoubtedly the strongest zord in this lineup.
            Visually, it probably looks the best among the five, and at the same time, looks the silliest. That’s mainly due to its tiny arms! They are just too darn small! If only it had elbow joints, at least you could extend the arms outward a bit.
            Articulation-wise: the head moves up and down; the mouth opens and closes; the tiny arms move up and down; the hips ratchets twice; the knees bends (ratchets twice); the ankles tilt up and down; and finally, the tail moves up and down at an unnatural angles.
            The color red is very stunning and sharp, and the entire piece feels kinda heavy.
            The hips are the only parts made of die casts on this set.

Attack Tank Mode:

            While this mode was widely featured in the actual series, it still doesn’t take away the fact that it’s just merely a half-transformed Megazord.
            The more you look at it, the funnier it gets. No matter how you look at it, it still looks like the Pterodactyl is perching on top of the Tyrannosaurus. I’m not exactly fond of it, but it’s okay I guess.
            My biggest complaint against this mode is the fact that this mode does not have any wheels. Both the Sabertooth Tiger and Triceratops have wheels engravings beneath them, and I do wish that they were real ones.
            In fact, I don’t see a reason why they can’t do it – it’s more because of they don’t want to do it. That alone would at least have given this mode thumbs up.

Robot Mode:


            This is why we bought this set in the first place or at least in my case, to finally have the chance to gain something from my childhood. When I was a kid, I wished I could have the Dino Megazord. It was the toy of the early 90s, and I’ve never been able to actually fiddle with it until now.

            Visually, Legacy Megazord looks beautiful. Its weight is delicious, thanks to the various die-cast parts. The shoulder pads and the horns make him look very heroic.
            His physical proportions are almost perfect. The colors are vibrant and some of the die-cast parts and stickers are very reflective, which is good.
From Left: Toynami Lion Voltron, Legacy Megazord & Miracle Productions Vehicle Voltron
            Despite all those, the Legacy Megazord has one major drawback, which transcends itself and encompass almost of his predecessors and successors – they are literally bricks.
From Left: Galaxy Force Galaxy Convoy, Lion Voltron, Megazord and Vehicle Voltron
Their articulations are quite silly if you ask me. They don’t even some of the simplest articulations there is such as wrist and neck! The only meaningful articulations that this figure has are the shoulders. Honest to goodness, there are so many poses and stances that I wish I could put him in, if only it was articulated!
While it is understandable that the original Daizyuzin figure was an action figure of the 80s, but unfortunately, other Megazords never really got past that era. They are still plagued by 3 decades of G1-esque.
            Having said all that, of course, it is a common knowledge you do not buy Super Sentai/ Power Rangers mecha for the aesthetics or articulations – you buy them for the sheer grandeur and appearance of the figure.
            As far as I could tell, Legacy Megazord is very screen accurate, from the decals, all the way to its paint apps.
Power Sword (middle) against the Lion & Vehicle Voltrons' Blazing Sword (left and right respectively)
            Weapons-wise, Legacy Megazord comes with its iconic Power Sword. It’s painted in shiny chrome, which gives the false impression that the sword is made of steel. The sword is actually made from plastic, and comparing it to the Blazing Swords from both Voltrons, it’s very small, although it is significantly more detailed than the Vehicle Voltron’s.
Power Sword up-close
            The mastodon’s head tends to pull a G1 Optimus or Megatron. Just like Prime’s trailer and Meg’s silencer, the mastodon’s head tends to pull a disappearing act, only appearing as a shield when need.
            I wish they could’ve added at least 2 to 3 more articulations at the mastodon’s trunk, that would’ve been something.
            Overall, it’s a nice piece.

            To most MMPR fan, the Legacy Megazord brings a lot of nostalgia, which is why that even after 20 years for the franchise in US, this is still the most memorable and significant Megazords ever.
            However, I do wish that somewhere down the line, Bandai would actually be bold enough to venture into the magnificent world of moving-parts. Oh, come on, don’t you guys think that it’s about time that we can get better articulations from these mechs?
            If they ever decide to do that, then I would suggest that they re-release this particular Megazord, but with good articulations. Call it Masterpiece Legacy Megazord or whatever, I will definitely get that.
            Anyway, this is a good figure, though without much action. Now, all we need now is the Dragonzord.
Recommended for nostalgia purposes and as a pop culture icon.

Rating – 8.0/10 (objectively); 1.0/10 (considering the lack of articulations)

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