Transformers Review: Bumblebee (Alternity)

            Now, this is probably a review that I should’ve done way earlier – Bumblebee.
            Kids/ fans nowadays know Bumblebee to be a guardian robot, who can’t speak and an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, not to mention being able to transform into a super cool sports car.
            However, traditional fans like yours truly and many others will remember Bumblebee as Autobots’ favorite kid brother, who’s physically may be inferior to others, but few can doubt his heart – and he happens to transform into a Volkswagen beetle.  
            Ever since the G1-related series ended, the character was left in complete limbo until Michael Bay chose to reinterpret the character in his movie trilogy. Since then, Bumblebee has received a new breath of life and has been featured in every single cartoon series and video games since then. Bumblebee’s newfound fame has probably put his popularity on par with arguably, Optimus Prime. Bumblebee is now probably the character which has the most action figures released in the franchise right now – to a point that I would almost puke.
            Anyways, Bumblebee was initially planned to be released in the original Alternators line, being able to transform into the Volkswagen New Battle. However, the plan never progressed beyond concept designs due to the car manufacturer’s refusal to be associated with war-themed media, which is ashamed really, as I would have love to have that version of Bumblebee in my collection, anytime.
            When the Alternity line arose, there were again plans to release the character into the line. Since all of the characters released in the line were to have only Japanese-based cars, so plans for the character’s was never an issue, hence, there’s no better way to kick off 2013 than to review this fan favorite character – Bumblebee.

Alternate Mode:
            Alternity Bumblebee is obviously based on the character’s original G1 depiction, as can be seen from its alternate mode. Instead of any sports car, Bumblebee now transforms into a yellow-colored Suzuki Swift. 

            Despite being such a small figure, Bumblebee does have a certain welcoming heft to it, something of which is much lacking nowadays. 
            If there’s any doubt that this car is a Suzuki, then the Suzuki emblems on both the front and the back of the car definitely confirms it.
            The hood opens up to reveal a Suzuki engine underneath. All four doors open to reveal a semi-detailed interior inside. I said semi-detailed because although the interior is quite detailed, with the steering wheel and seats within, there are certain transformation parts that can clearly be seen inside. 
            The trunk also opens up, although I doubt you’ll have room to anything in there. 
            Overall, I kind of dig the alternate mode, and I think Suzuki Swift is a wonderful choice for Bumblebee.

Robot Mode:
            Alternity Bumblebee is my first ever G1-based Bumblebee. At the time when I gotten myself this figure back in 2009, I have neither the Classic version of the character, nor the original G1 figure.
        Since then though, I did manage to grab hold of the United Bumblebee, which is actually a Classics Bumblebee repaint. 
            I generally like how this figure looks, although he could be just a little fat with tiny pair of legs. The head sculpt is perfect – it just doesn’t get better than a robot head with horns. 
            Due to the bulk of the torso, articulations may feel a bit limited. Articulation-wise: the head is on a ball joint; the shoulders hinge and swing outward; the arms bend and rotate at the elbows; the fists rotate and tilts at the wrists; the hips are on really tight ratcheting joints; the legs rotate slightly below the hips; the knees bend as if they are double-jointed; and finally, the ankles swivel.
            The robot mode wields a pair of hand guns, stored underneath the engine piece, while in vehicle mode.   
            I really dig this robot mode. Yes, it isn’t perfect, but it’s good nonetheless.  

            Bumblebee may not look as good as Optimus or Megatron from the same line, and he’s definitely not as slick as Starscream, but to be honest with you, I would rank him slightly higher than Starscream.
            Starscream feels a little bit too fragile for my liking, but Bumblebee, he’s almost as tough as a brick. He’s definitely worth the picking.

            Final verdict: 8/10.

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