Transformers Review: Swindle (Alternators)

            Of all the choices of characters to receive an Alternators/ Binaltech, Swindle has got to be the oddest of ‘em all. Even Windcharger, as minor a character as he is, he still makes more sense than Swindle, seeing as how the latter is one of the 5-bots Combaticons and none of his other teammates received the same treatment.
            In the Binaltech/ Alternators continuity, he was the first Decepticons to receive the Binaltech body through his trademarked swindling way (pun intended) that was originally meant for Trailbreaker.
            First released in 2005, Swindle was my second ever Alternators after Windcharger, originally purchased as a substitute for the Alternators Hound that I missed out. The same mould would eventually be reused for the character Rollbar, released in 2006.

Alternate Mode:
            Swindle transforms into a Jeep Wrangler, bearing his signature yellow body paintjob. 
            One thing noticeably different between Swindle (and this mould in general) with most of the early Alternators/ Binaltechs is that he doesn’t have any front wheel steering action. 
            But whatever Swindle’s lacking in steering, he more than makes it up with his fantastic suspension system. Each wheel has their own individual springs and is unconnected to any other wheels. 
            Apart from the steering mechanism, Swindle is every bit as detailed as any other Alternators that came before him. The chrome rims and front grille looks sparklingly shiny, which is always a bonus. There are also the words “JEEP WRANGLER” & “SPORT” on both sides of the car, as well as the brand name “JEEP” on the spare tyre compartment.
            The spare tyre compartment do not possess any spare tyre of course, but instead a folded up gun used later in robot mode. 
            Both doors open, as well as the hood to reveal what looks like an engine block, formed by Swindle’s arms. 
            Despite that there are only two doors, Swindle comes with four seats, and the car’s internal compartments looks very detailed.
            I absolutely love this car mode – fantastic.

Robot Mode:
            As with most Alternators, he is the size of your typical Voyager-class figure.
            The design of his feet is both the making and the undoing of this figure. First and foremost, the feet are kinda awkwardly-shaped, sort of like a snow-shoe, but that is the exact same reason why this figure is so darn stable. You can put Swindle is various types of poses and you won’t have to worry about any balance issues. 
            The legs are a bit asymmetrical due to the spare tyre compartment, but that’s a really, really minor issue.
            Articulation-wise: the head is on a ball joint, as well as the shoulders, and the hips; the elbows bend and the wrists rotate; Swindle also comes with a waist articulation, which is always a welcome; the knees are double-jointed, but the bending of the knees may be slightly restricted by the front and back wheels; and finally, the ankles themselves bend in and outward – really good with various poses.
            There is one issue though that you might want to take note of, although this may be very minimal. While the chrome is shiny, they will be prone to fading as time goes by. After six years of owning him, those chromes on my figures are beginning to show those signs. 
            Another one would be the head articulation. Since the head’s position maybe a bit closer to the chest, the movements can be a bit restricted.
            Still overall, I really love Swindle, and for me personally, it’s definitely a good substitute to Alternators Hound.

            I like this figure, and although it’s a bit awkward to have only him without the rest of the Combaticons in the line, the figure itself is awesome.
            Overall good design and he definitely earns a place in any collection.
            Highly recommended.

            Final verdict: 9.5/10.

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