Transformers Review – Galvatron (Universe Deluxe)

            In most generations/ series, Galvatron has been synonymous with two words – Megatron repaints. That is why that there is scarcely any Galvatron figure amongst my collection, save for Legends Cybertron Galvatron, and even that because I couldn’t get my hands on a Megatron figure. As far as I can remember, there has been only 1 none-remolded Galvatron figure, and that was the 1st ever original Galvatron figure – G1 Galvatron. Character-wise, he may be a reformatted version of Megatron, but at least he’s an original mold – exchanging modes from a gun, into a futuristic cannon (he also transforms into a monstrous futuristic gun). At least, having an all powerful Emperor of Destruction transforming into a badass cannon is much more believable than into a gun (although Megatron will forever be remembered as the gun). The character Galvatron character itself is unique, in the sense that his personality is totally different from his previous self, as Megatron. Where Megatron is a methodical evil genius, who plans his every move, and whose plans are always based on logic; Galvatron is your typical insane evil leader who relies on brute strength alone.
            Since I started collecting transformers, Galvatron has been one of the missing pieces. Of course, I was hoping to get myself the original G1 mold – the cannon, and I was hoping that Takara-Tomy’s Encore line would provide with just that, but for now, it’s just not happening. So I had to seek other options, and that would lead me to the new and improved Universe line, a.k.a. Classic 2.0. Galvatron in this line is no longer the iconic cannon; rather he’s a cannon on wheels – a tank. Before I got this guy way back in 2008, I’ve caught a few internet photos of this guy, and despite the difference in alternate mode, his robot mode was unmistakably Galvatron, for which have since been up there on top of my wish list. So how does he fare with such high expectations? Read on…

Alternate Mode:
            As I’ve mentioned earlier, this version of Galvatron has gone back to its roots and instead of being just a recolored version of a Megatron figure, he is a tank that loosely resembles its original cannon designs. 
In this mode, he is predominantly grey in color. On both sides of the spin-able turrets are printed with the words “Galv – 25” – a clear homage in conjunction of the glorious 25th anniversary of the Transformers line, which was in 2009. 
I’m not quite sure whether this tank mode is based on a real tank or not, but it does look believable, despite its rather futuristic looks. Also worth mentioning, the cannon also come with a similar orange translucent bullet.
From left: Universe Cyclonus, Universe Galvatrion and Generations Scourge
Robot Mode:
            For a deluxe figure, transforming Galvatron from tank to robot mode is surprisingly difficult the first time around! While I do enjoy the sheer puzzling transformation of the figure, I couldn’t help it but to echo what others have been said previously in their own reviews. Galvatron should have been at least a Voyager, considering the fact that he was the Emperor of Destruction of the Decepticon army, and not some lowly characters. A major character such as Galvatron should more than deserve a Leader-class inclusion, or at a Voyager-class. 
            Having said that, the robot mode is absolutely recognizable as G1 Galvatron – the crowned head, the four red-square waist and the huge yellow cannon are dead giveaways. In this mode, the color purple is predominant. 
Articulation-wise, the figure is as good as any, except for the right hand which also carries the cannon. The sheer size of the right arm sort of hinders articulation.
From left: Universe Cyclonus, Universe Galvatron & Generations Scourge
One of my biggest gripe of this figure is that some parts just doesn’t lock in solidly, such as the two thread pieces at the back of the robot. Also, the robot mode can be a little bit back-heavy.

            Galvatron is a good addition to the Universe/ Classic 2.0 line, and would’ve been an even better one were it to be at least a Voyager-class. It’s real refreshing to actually have an original Galvatron mold for once, rather than some mere repaints. Some other collectors may have a complaint or two regarding the physical appearance of the figure, but to me, it is a good attempt.

            Final verdict, I give ol’ Galva 8/ 10.

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