Transformers Review: Seacons (G1 Commemorative Limited Edition)

Welcome back to another edition of Transformers review. Today we will be reviewing a commemorative figure – the Limited Edition Seacons.

As you would’ve known by now, I am a sucker for gestalts (which Transformers collectors aren’t, right?). What I like more than a gestalt is a unique-typed gestalt – gestalts that are out of the ordinary. Some of these gestalts which I do consider unique are Predaking, Devastator & Leokaiser (whom all of their faction members are of the same sizes), Road Caesar (form by only 3 members instead of the conventional 5) & of course, Piranacon. 
Another thing about the Seacons is that although they are based on sea-creatures, they resemble more like some mutated sea creatures, who tends to have extra limbs or some monstrous appeal to them etc… So without further ado, let us go on to the main course, shall we?

Alternate Mode:
Despite being the leader of the group, he has the most uninspiring of all alternate modes – a turtle (although to me it looks for like a tortoise to me than a turtle). But in all fairness, it’s a cool looking turtle, albeit a strange-looking one (which is quite normal for all Seacons). 

His articulations are quite good. All of his four legs can move and has a knee joint of their own. The neck moves up and down, and its mouth can open and close. There is also a dial on Snap Trap’s back that if you push it back and forth, the two turrets on his shoulders rattles too, which is kinda cool.
Snap Trap is predominantly green in color, with dashes or white and pink.  Overall, he’s a very nice alternate mode.

Robot Mode:
Snap Trap’s robot mode is roughly the size of your typical Deluxe-class figures. Since it’s a G1 figure, it’s normal for you to expect normal G1 aesthetic and articulations. First and foremost, he doesn’t have any head articulations. Each arm rotates on a ratcheting joint and also has an elbow joint. The legs, although each has a articulations of its own, bends in a humanly impossible directions.
In this mode, he wields both Piranacon’s sword and blaster.

Verdict: 9/10

Alternate Mode:
This is definitely a very strange-looking manta ray. Seawing is predominantly green, black and grey in color, and I don’t know for what reasons, he has a frigging pair of legs!!! The only articulations he has in this mode are his legs, ankles and lower jaw.

Robot Mode:
Seawing is basically grey, green and black in color. Its legs articulation is confined to a forward and backward motion, while the hands rotate at the shoulder and elbow. Although the huge wings at the back may add to the looks of the entire robot mode, it significantly hinders the already-limited articulations of the arms.

Verdict: 7/10

Alternate Mode:
Overbite is mainly green and pink in color, and he looks to be a mutated shark. He has a pair of strange-looking lobster hands that are detachable, and a pair of strange-looking legs with 3 points of articulations, i.e. hips, knee and ankle.

Robot Mode:
Predominantly green and pink, Overbite doesn’t have any legs articulations at all, while the arms rotate at the shoulder and also has elbow connections.

Verdict: 7/10

Alternate Mode:
Amidst all of the strange-looking alternated modes, Tentakil’s alternate mode still looks strange. He looks like a mutant X-Man with lotsa tentacles. The tentacles can move in and out, while legs only hip movements.
Tentakil tends to be a little bit back heavy, so he tends to bend a bit forward in order for you to be able to stand him up.

Robot Mode:
Similar to Overbite, Tentakil has nothing to brag about in terms of articulations; in fact he is even worse. His arms rotate at the shoulders and that’s about it.

Verdict: 6/10

Alternate Mode:
For some reason, Nautilator is my favorite Seacons apart from Snap Trap. He is the only one that looks slightly normal. It has a pair of detachable pincers, and 2 sets of 4 legs that move in unison. As seen, Nautilator supposed to transform into a lobster.

Robot Mode:
Although he is exactly a brick as Nautilator, somehow this figure appeals to me more than the rest (next to Snap Trap that is.).

Verdict: 7/10

Alternate Mode:
Theoretically, Skalor supposed to transform into a piranha. But to me, he looks more like a coelacanth. He too has a pair of detachable hands, a jaw that opens and closes, and a pair of legs with 2 point articulations, i.e. at the hips and knees.

Robot Mode:
Skalor’s articulations resemble that f Overbite’s, which is kinda cool for a G1 figure. As with Overbite, he also has an awkward set of pincers/ hands sticking out of his legs, although you can easily remove them if you wanted to.

Verdict: 7/10

One word describes Piranacon – awesome. He is huge, bigger than most G1 gestalts, although not as big as Predaking. Despite the unconventional color coordination, they blend very well in Piranacon mode. I also love the metallic paints that they used for the sword and also the wings of the chest piece. It makes them stand out even more. 

Generally, you don’t expect much from the articulations. Despite the huge bulk, you will only get a set of rotatable hands at the shoulders, and to some extent, the wrist, and that’s about it.

But articulations are not what you would buy this figure for, and if you do, you might as well just look elsewhere. The main attraction of this figure is its ability to swap limbs and weapons, much like the scramble city-type of gestalts, but way cooler. Each figure, minus Snap Trap, can form any limbs and weapon. Hence, that is why this figure was originally sold as part of the Targetmasters line, back in the good old days.

Overall, I love this figure, and it was one of those gestalts that I’ve been hunting for ages, and that list includes Predaking (whom I’ve just gotten), Road Caesar, Leokaiser and to some extent, Dinoking. I don’t know why, but the Decepticons tend to have cooler gestalts than the Autobots, don’t you think so? Anyways, Piranacon gets a huge recommendation from me.

Final Verdict: 9.5/10 


  1. Bro didn't you wrote this review i=somewhere in Jan or Feb this year? I knew someone who had the Piranacons in white colour repaints called Gpod Neptune some time back but not as nice as this review.

    Anyway let's hope more Combiners will be reissued and new age Combiners will mesmerize our interest.

  2. Yeah... I did put this review up on my old planetcybertron.wordpress.com page, which now concentrates more on Food Reviews and other kinda stuffs... So, I kinda decided that I'd better put that up on this page instead... Anyways, thanks for staying tuned to our developments here... Anyways, I am really hoping that HasTak will eventually release Road Caesar and Leokaiser, that would really make my day...
